
In Zambia, persons with disabilities comprise nearly 11% of the population. Facing discrimination and lack of opportunity, many Zambians with disabilities are systematically excluded from access to services and places, legal aid, healthcare, and more. Often, these disparities are sharper in rural settings with a greater lack of infrastructure, investments, and institutional support. Empowerment Through Action is collaborating with Expanding Ambitions, a non-governmental community service organisation dedicated to supporting and enhancing the lives of children and young people with disabilities, albinism, and poverty. Through our partnership, we have started conducting community sensitisation about the importance of eye care and eye health, empowering teachers, rural health workers, and parents with knowledge in primary eye care through capacity-building workshops and community outreach activities in central Lusaka, northern and the Copperbelt provinces in Zambia.

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For $10 you can keep a young girl in school with a Menstrual management kit.


In Zambia, persons with disabilities comprise nearly 11% of the population. Facing discrimination and lack of opportunity, many Zambians with disabilities are systematically excluded from access to services and places, legal aid, healthcare, and more. Often, these disparities are sharper in rural settings with a greater lack of infrastructure, investments, and institutional support. Empowerment Through Action is collaborating with Expanding Ambitions, a non-governmental community service organisation dedicated to supporting and enhancing the lives of children and young people with disabilities, albinism, and poverty. Through our partnership, we have started conducting community sensitisation about the importance of eye care and eye health, empowering teachers, rural health workers, and parents with knowledge in primary eye care through capacity-building workshops and community outreach activities in central Lusaka, northern and the Copperbelt provinces in Zambia.

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With your generous support, we will assist schools and collaborate with the Ministry of Education to guarantee that children with disabilities receive specialised education from professional teachers. Additionally, we can supply Braille materials and other assistive technologies, including specialised software, speech-to-text tools, and digital audiobooks, to ensure that learning is accessible.